GROP's management philosophy
We are a company that values "people" above all else.
There is a clear difference in work outcomes depending on whether the person working on the job is motivated or not.
The attitude of each staff member toward work itself determines the quality of service of the company. The higher the quality of service, the higher the evaluation from our business partners. And that leads to high credibility and trust in Grop's business. This is exactly why we are particular about "people."
Grop boasts outstanding recognition in the dispatching and outsourcing industry.
We are developing our own outsourcing to develop high-level human resources by closely following the staff, not only recruiting human resources, assigning the right person to the right place, labor management, but also mental care in the workplace. ..
We also undertake a series of operations that operate in the backyard of mail-order and EC businesses.
Grop's service provides one-stop support for all operations such as ordering, payment, picking, and delivery. We will look at customer issues from various angles, including human resources, and back up with abundant achievements and a variety of services.
The clue to the solution is always here. That is Grop.
GROP's corporate goals
We are a company that values "people" above all else.
There is a clear difference in work outcomes depending on whether the person working on the job is motivated or not.
The attitude of each staff member toward work itself determines the quality of service of the company. The higher the quality of service, the higher the evaluation from our business partners. And that leads to high credibility and trust in Grop's business. This is exactly why we are particular about "people."
Grop boasts outstanding recognition in the dispatching and outsourcing industry.
We are developing our own outsourcing to develop high-level human resources by closely following the staff, not only recruiting human resources, assigning the right person to the right place, labor management, but also mental care in the workplace. ..
We also undertake a series of operations that operate in the backyard of mail-order and EC businesses.
Grop's service provides one-stop support for all operations such as ordering, payment, picking, and delivery. We will look at customer issues from various angles, including human resources, and back up with abundant achievements and a variety of services.
The clue to the solution is always here. That is Grop.
■本社・八王子営業所 八王子市東町9-10 ECS 第35ビル 7F (八王子駅徒歩3分)
■横浜サテライト 横浜市鶴見区上末吉3-2-26 (鶴見駅バス15分)
■草加営業所 草加市高砂2-18-16 藤本ビル4F B室 (草加駅徒歩3分)
■狭山営業所 狭山市新狭山2-14-10 新狭山ビル2階A号室 (新狭山駅徒歩1分)
■山梨営業所 中巨摩郡昭和町清水新居265 マツモトビル2F (甲府駅車15分)
■名古屋営業所 名古屋市中区金山1-6-2 F・Iビル3階 (金山駅徒歩3分)
■難波営業所 大阪市浪速区湊町1-4-1 OCATビルB1F (難波駅徒歩3分)
■仙台営業所 名取市美田園5-3-2 ARIA1階 (美田園駅徒歩3分)
■釧路営業所 釧路市昭和南3-15-4 アヴァンツァーレ昭和108 (釧路駅車12分)
8:30~17:30 (実働8時間・休憩1時間)
初年度の年収 377万円~500万円
■役職手当 など
■社会保険完備 (健康保険・厚生年金・雇用保険・労災保険)
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未経験から飛び込んできた先輩が多数活躍する当社。共通しているのは、 “チャレンジ精神”が旺盛なこと。
分からないことがあれば、 自分から積極的に質問する。そこで身につけたことを活かして、 お客様へぶつかっていく。
◆普通自動車運転免許(AT限定可) ※しっかりと運転できるスキルも求めます